Sigelei SLYDR M Sub Ohm Tank
The new Sigelei SLYDR M Tank is supposed to be the redesigned & improved version of the SLYDR L Sub Ohm Tank. There will be 3 different color options initially; Stainless Steel, Black, & Gold. With a base diameter of 23mm and glass diameter of 24mm it’s definitely a small Tank, compared to the other Sub Ohm Tanks being released. Most of the time smaller Tanks mean excellent flavor so we are all for it. The juice capacity isn’t that much, only 2.8ml, so if filling up your Tank a few times a day is a big deal we would not recommend buying this. All in all this looks like it will be a really good Sub Ohm Tank & we look forward to giving it a try. We will update this page after we test out the sample and let you all know what we think of it. We have included below all of the Coil information we have so far. As more information is released for the SLYDER M we will of course add it here.
Coil Info –
SM2: 0.4ohm Finished Core 1 Heating Core 40-75W / Best: 50 – 65W
SM4: 0.15ohm Finished Core 2 Heaters 30-65W / Best: 40 – 65W
SM6: 0.2ohm Finished Core 3 Heating Core 40-120W / Best: 75 – 95W