Sense Screen Tank Replacement Coils
The Sense Screen Tank Replacement Coils are part of the brand new S Coil System by Sense. There are 3 types of Coils available. Double Mesh which is .23 ohms and has a wattage range of 60W to 135W. Triple Mesh is .34 ohms with a wattage range of 60W to 150W. Quad Mesh is .15 ohms and has a wattage range of 50W to 120W. These Coils will have great durability, massive vapor production, and excellent flavor. One of the best things about these new Sense Screen Tank Coils is that they use Real Mesh Material. You can bet that these Sense Screen Mesh Coils are going to be the best Mesh Coils on the market.
Why are these Coils “Real Mesh”? If you take a look at this image you can see the comparison between the other Screen Coils & other Companies Mesh Coils.
Coil Specs:
Single Mesh (S1) – .18Ω (±0.03) (40W – 100W). Best: 60W – 90W.
Double Mesh (S2) – .23Ω (±0.03) (60W – 135W) . Best: 80W – 110W.
Triple Mesh (S3) – .34Ω (±0.03) (60W – 150W). Best: 80W – 120W.
Quad Mesh (S4) – .13Ω (±0.02) (50W – 120W). Best: 70W – 100W.
Other Sense Products
Mesh Coil Comparison – Screen Coils vs Falcon Coils vs FireLuke Coils (verified owner) –
The Double Coils are good but the Triples are unbeatable. The flavor and cloud production is simply incredible. I get a few more days out of these then I do any of the smok coils. Can’t wait for my Pre-order of the Quad Coils to come in.
larseliaseliasjr (verified owner) –
Quality Tank, Sense stuck to Premium MateriAl for this Flagship Tank. Invest in R & D into A Push-to-lock or Unlock System. Hands down the best Mesh Coils. If you want the best comparison, Wotofo RBA Mesh vs OFRF nexMESH, nexMESH being identical in hole size and density as the Sense Screen Coils. (Arrow Tank Mesh Coil Heads & V-Jet Mesh Coils have the same Screen Mesh). 50 – 100w range for single coil at .15 ohm, looking at Mesh Coil Resistances of these Coils it’s easy too verify it is indeed the same material. I plan on removing both Mesh from both Arrow and Screen too compare the next time I have two spent ones!
For now, no other Tanks Coil System not even FreeMax or Falcon HorizonTech, or even Vaperesso C-cell Cores can match the way these cores handle long draws at high wattage without the coils singing even with Max VG eJuice. Saturation is very fast as long as you start the process by priming the coil. I’m convinced they can fit a 5th coil in the core even if they had to lose a mL
of ejuice capacity too widen just the middle
where the cotton coils are, and adding a 5th. The Penta coil. The 2 and 3 beat every brand I’ve tried so far. Everything from the size of the cores, maintaining a consisent feeling draw across all 3 coils, 4 isn’t 4x as loose as 2, so they all have optimized airflow. Temperature of vapor, throat hit.
The Wooden Version Tank is the one to get unless the Colors or Resin suits you. But the Wood Edition Screen on my DNA 250c from Lost Vape with Gunmetal Frame and Red Black Striped Carbon Fibre Accents…
It would be 5 stars if it had a more secure Top Cap.
Bobby (verified owner) –
The dual mesh are unbeatable with flavor. These are my daily bangers. The new singles are just as good if you like lots of airflow. Triples are good but too restrictive for me. I am convinced that there isn’t a coil on this planet right now that can compare to these. If yo uh dont know, just grab the dials. You wont be let down. The tanks are super cheap right now to boot. You cant lose…