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TFV8 Cloud Beast Sub Ohm Tank Review

Jun 17, 2016 | Sub Ohm Tank Reviews | 15 comments

Coming Real Soon…The New SMOK TFV8 Tank

We will update our TFV8 Cloud Beast Sub Ohm Tank Review every week or so. In the meantime check out the info &  pictures below.

Update: June 21st 2016

We just got the Tank yesterday, so we have not done our complete testing yet. We didn’t want to keep you all waiting so we added what we could. The main specs are below, as well as our thoughts on some of the main features of this Tank. You should be able to make an informed decision on whether or not you want this Tank or not with what we have posted here. We will continuously update the SMOK TFV8 Sub Ohm Tank Review as the days and weeks go by.

Buy The SMOK TFV8 Big Baby From Us!

TFV8 Big Baby Tank

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Quick Specs:

  • Size: 25.5cmx50cm
  • Threaded 510 Connection
  • Cyclops Style Adjustable Airflow
  • Large Top Fill Slot
  • 6ml Tank Capacity (5.5ml with RBA)

Replacement Coils: (coil pictures below)

  • Available in 0.15Ω, 0.2Ω, 0.28Ω
  • V8-T8 = 0.15Ω  (50W-260W)
  • V8-T6 = 0.2Ω (50W-240W)
  • V8-Q4 = 0.15Ω (50W-180W)
  • V8 RBA = 0.28Ω (50W-140W) Clapton Dual Coils

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SMOK TFV8 Tank Review

The TFV8 Tank Is Definitely A ……. Beast

This SMOK TFV8 Cloud Beast Sub Ohm Tank is the latest & most anticipated product from SMOK, and it’s definitely the talk around the town and the Internet. This Tank by SMOK is going to mostly be for Cloud Chasers, because clouds is what you get. If flavor is your thing the Crown 2 Tank might be a better fit for you, feel free to read the Crown 2 Review before you go.

We have been using this Tank for about 2 days now, and it is a good tank, but it’s not our favorite. For 1, it gets super hot really quick, which is what you would expect from 8 Coil’s (Octuple Coil). It also eats juice, more than any other Tank we have used, and again obviously it’s because of the Octuple Coil. So if you are ok with a really hot Tank and using lots more juice than you normally would, this Tank could be for you.

Top Fill Swivel –

The Tank has a swivel top for refilling your juice. It is very convenient and easy to use. You just push down a little and twist to open it, and when you close it you have to push down a little to make it click and fit completely. So far we have had no issues with refilling the Tank.

Air Flow –

The air flow is really nice. It’s not too much and it’s not restricted a all.  There are 2 air flow slots on the bottom of the tank. If you are familiar with the TFV4 this tank has 18% bigger air flow slots.

Coils –

The coils are what make this the Cloud Beast Tank, because of the Octuple, Sextuple,& Quad Coil Heads. We have not used this Tank enough to talk a lot about them, but so far the V8-T8 is extremely powerful, it comes in at .15Ω, has a range of 50W-260W, and SMOK recommends “Best Use” between 120W-180W.

Build Quality –

This quality of the Tank is good, but not great. The Crown 2 is better made in our opinion. Earlier today we put the Mod down with the TFV8 Tank attached and it fell over accidently, we looked at it right after and there are no scratches or chips on it, so that’s a positive. We will update on how it holds up over time.

Cleaning –

This Tank is really easy to take apart. We have not cleaned it yet but there are only 3 pieces to it. There is the Top Fill Swivel Cap, the Glass, and the bottom where the coil goes. It easily comes apart for you to clean.

Colors Available –

The SMOK Cloud Beast TFV8 comes in two colors, Stainless Steel & Black.

Pricing –

We have seen it being sold from as low as $28 up to $40 so far.

Would we buy this tank again if it broke?

We would buy this tank if it broke or got stolen, simply for the fact that when the time comes to blow huge clouds, this is the Tank we would use. However, It would not be our all day every day Tank.

Priming The Coil –

You will prime these coils as you would any other coils. You drip ejuice in from the top of the coil and go around the sides where the cotton is, and then wait until you see the juice comes through to the sides. There is nothing special or complicated with priming these coils.

Breaking In The Coil –

We suggest you start low as you would any other coil and work your way up. The difference with these coils is that you will have to start higher then you would a normal coil. If you try breaking them in by starting at around 30-40W you won’t even be firing the coil. I think we had to start at 50W just to trigger the coil.

We will add more to our TFV8 Cloud Beast Tank Review over the next few weeks.

TFV8 Kit

TFV8 Cloud Beast Sub Ohm Tank Kit


TFV8 Cloud Beast Sub Ohm Tank Specs
TFV8 Turbo

Turbo Boosted Engine Coils, Turbo Boosted Bottom Air-slots, Turbo Boosted Heating Air-tube, and Turbo Boosted Drip Tip.


4 Unique Patented Turbo Engines (Coils)

V8-T8 (6.6T), V8-T6 (6.0T), V8-Q4 (5.0T), V8 RBA (4.0T-X)

TFV8 Cloud Beast Sub Ohm Tank Coils

TFV8 vs. TFV4

TFV8 vs. TFV4

TFV8 = Bigger Bottom Air Slots

TFV8 Cloud Beast Sub Ohm Tank vs TFV4 Tank (Air Slots)

TFV8 = Bigger Heating Air Tube

TFV8 Cloud Beast Sub Ohm Tank vs TFV4 Tank (Air Tube)

TFV8 = Large Caliber Delrin Drip Tip

TFV8 Cloud Beast Sub Ohm Tank - Large Delrin Drip Tip

TFV8 vs. TFV4 – E-juice Refill Slot & Air Chamber

TFV8 Cloud Beast Sub Ohm Tank vs TFV4 Tank (E-Juice Slots & Air Chamber)

Finished Product = SMOK TFV8 Cloud Beast Sub Ohm Tank

SMOK TFV8 Cloud Beast Sub Ohm Tank

Buy The SMOK TFV8 Right Now!

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TFV8 Sub Ohm Tank

Buy The SMOK TFV8 Right Now!

Direct Vapor – Free Shipping! (no order minimum)

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Do you have the TFV8 Tank, if so do you like it, & where did you buy it? Ask a question or give feedback about the TFV8 Review.


  1. Gary Johnson


    • Justin

      Hi Gary,

      It is normal, this tank does get very hot. When 8, 6, or 4 coils are heating up all at once it’s going to get really hot really quick.

  2. Gianni

    I just bought my TFV8 today and I keep getting this weird metal taste I’ve already used the two different coils that come in the box. I was running them both at about 90 Watts and they both still gave me this same weird taste

    • Justin

      Hi Gianni,

      Did you start with low wattage? Like 40-60, and then work your way up? Generally speaking you can’t start right at a high wattage like 90 watts.

      Also, if your using the Octuple (8 coil) remember that your wearing in 8 different coils, not just 1. Same with the Sextuple (6 coils). It’s going to take some time to wear them in. I believe the Octuple took a day or two. I switched to the Sextuple and it took less time. I would recommend trying the 6 or 4 coil and see what happens.

    • Brad

      I just got the baby beast a week ago and the same thing is happening to me!! I even started at a lower wattage and it’s even doing it on the Q2 dual(pre installed) I have only tried that coil and the octuple. Any suggestions? Thanks

  3. Paul

    Is the connection spring loaded?

    • Justin

      Hi Paul,

      It’s almost impossible to find anything documented about the 510 for this Tank. From personal experience with the TFV8, the pin does go up and down. I had to take apart a friends Tank to fix the coil and I did notice that the pin was able to be pushed up and then pushed down a little. I do not know if it is officially ‘Spring Loaded” though.

  4. Jonathan

    I just bought mine today and have been having issues with my box mod with an error that reads “check atomizer”. I unscrew the tank from the box mod, trigger until I hear the juice heating up and then slowly turn and tighten to the box mod to get a hit. Anyone else experiencing these issues or know how to resolve? I had a clieto before this and I used to have to toy with the coil before installing and priming for it to work.

    • Justin

      Hi Jonathan,

      Any time I have seen “check atomizer” or had Tank issues it has actually been because of a bad coil. That error is either the ohms are too low, or there isn’t full contact between the Tank & the Mod.

      I haven’t done this with the TFV8, but I have done it with anther Tank. You might be able to pull the pin out a little (needle nose pliers), which will improve contact between the Tank & Mod.

      If that doesn’t work, I can’t help you because I haven’t had the issue you are having. Hope you get it fixed.

    • Casey

      I had the same problem. What I did was take apart the tank, clean it, and try putting in the coil while keeping an eye on the connetion pin. If the connection pin sticks way out it’s going to give you the error. You just have to play with the coil and make it work with the mod you are using. Its different for every mod I have tried.

      • Amanda

        In case anyone else is looking at this later & having similar issues (with any tank, this… clieto, whichever) 99.9% of time, it’s that the coil has come loose from the base. Being sure everything is put together well & that coil is always installed quite snugly (i usually turn backwards slightly to catch threads& then the right way, snugging it down. BEFORE priming/assembling remainder/FILLING, I put it ON a device just to be sure its reading ohms) If all is ok & it has been since doing this.. prime w/ a couple drops & assemble remainder properly as well as quite snugly too (want a good “seal” to maintain internal vacuum pressure, which… will get to) O-rings in tact, in place, CLOSE airflow ALWAYS ALWAYS on any top fill tank… FILL, but don’t overfill & close to seal.. while not making too tight (so you can get it back OFF/open, ugh, too many times=pliers! LOL) As longas ya do that, each/every coil should read just fine.. & also, remember to close AFC esp before RE-filling (again, to maintain internal pressure.. think of a straw being lifted out of liquid. With finger snugly on top.. no issues. Move it tho OR have a tiny crack in that straw & dribble dribble, POUR… MESS!! Same/same.. Trust take the half a second, do it anyway & you will see for yourself soon enough how nice it is to vape w/out LEAKING.. Also keeps it feeding properly too, so your overall vape will improve!) Just before its first use, if you “break in that coil” which only takes a minute, at most. (quest4vape did great vid on orig. crown addressing procedure) You’ll get the BEST, gurgle, flood, dry hit, sputter, spit-back FREE vape possible from EVERY coil… for the longest time possible, too! Save your hard earned $$$… Shouldn’t be all these “DUDS” & “bad batches” as I see SO many complaining of. Unfortunately (tho an easy fix IF they’d listen, but…. ??) it’s just “user error” (even tho mfrs don’t instruct properly or completely imho… nor do reviewers who do “what works “sometimes”… idk, I’m not good w/ sometimes.) By design tho, NO tank should leak!! They haven’t always been top fill… for a reason. =) By this point, all coils should work, too. If not, stop &check things out. Make sure it’s all snug & making connection etc. IDK, HOPE THAT HELPS SOMEONE OUT THERE.. SAVE SOME $$$$ & FRUSTRATION, AT LEAST! =) Enjoy that MUCH BETTER vape, too! =) Live long(ER) & vape on! abillionlives #youarebeingLIEDto

  5. Malek

    Hey. I used smok tfv8 with sigelei 213 mod and alway become to hot when i used 50 watt I don’t know why..!?

  6. Zach

    It leaks like hell straight out the box. Pretty pissed pff about it

    • Amanda

      I know most say you don’t have to & that it works “sometimes” without doing this, but…. I promise. If you’re sure to always close off the AFC fully… before ever opening ANY top fill tank, esp when refilling (granted coil has been installed snugly, tank is assembled well & pretty tightly, also.. is sealed, basically. All o-rings in place, in tact) you will NEVER have to worry about leaking w/ any tank ever again. If it has juice flow, people close it, right? SAME thing, in its absence! Think of it like a straw being lifted out of liquid. If your finger is sealed on top, can wave that shit around no prob…. put it back, all is good. Should your finger move tho OR there’s a tiny crack in that there straw? Drip.. drip…. dribble.. pour… a MESS (and an empty straw!) right? Better yet, put that straw w/ a crack in it BACK into the liquid & try to drink… doesn’t work so well. AIry, have to pull harder to get even a little liquid. Uneven, not fun.. frustrating. Be SURE to close off that AFC always before filling (esp w/ this tank that has the gasket on top.. fiddle w/ closing it just a little.. & that thing will act as a plunger, pushing liquid right into your coil & out the airflow slots!) The big “fix” isn’t to make things top airflow instead (will just trap that liquid inside & send it UP like hot lava in most cases, imho!) don’t overfill & don’t re-open…. until you’re sure all has been sealed back up again……….. & you’ll never have to worry about leaking again w/ any top fill tank, promise!!! I’d say that’s WELL worth the half a second it’ll take ya to just do it anyway…… & see for yourself. (as you soon will. LOL) Maintaining that internal vacuum pressure will also improve (feeding/wicking is more consistent, even, etc) your overall vape quality, as you’ll soon experience, too. ALL of which, saves your hard-earned $$$ from being wasted (so you can buy more vape gear or liquid. hahahaha… as we all know/do!) ENJOY! LIVE LONG(er) & VAPE ON!

  7. Amber

    I’ve been using my TFV8 for a few months now and it’s starting to get very very hot even right after I turn my mod on and hit it once or twice. I use the AsModus 150w plaque box mod. Usually vape around 70w. Any ideas as to why?

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